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Message from our Editor

Dear Reader,


On behalf of the Cornell Policy Group, I am excited to publish the twenty-second edition of the Journal of Affairs, the successor of the former Roosevelt Review.


I have had the pleasure of editing and crafting this journal during my first semester as editor-in-chief after two years under the previous editor-in-chief, Franklin Zheng. With his guidance and under new executive leadership, Cornell Policy Group wrote thirty-nine policy proposals ranging from a variety of policy fields, including but not limited to agriculture and electoral reform. Each analyst presented original, innovative solutions based on rigorous research to niche and broad-ranging issues, with each center presenting proposals personal to the analysts. Our incoming class of new analysts, the most selective class of Cornell Policy Group, has only added to the originality and new perspectives we continually seek to add to our ever-evolving group. We have added three associate editors to the editing process to oversee these new proposals and people to strengthen writing quality and standardization. With the help of our new member educators leading the new analyst training program, we can teach our new class critical writing and professional practices within and beyond Cornell Policy Group.


After a successful semester of effective restructuring with additional members, I have complete faith that our group is ready to continue our success. I am confident all of our members will thrive as we continue to formulate solutions to problems in a constantly changing world. I extend my most sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported the Cornell Policy Group and this publication. I look forward to continuing my role as editor-in-chief for another semester as we prepare the twenty-third edition in Spring 2025. I hope you enjoy our policy proposals from this semester.




Henry Han


Fall 2024 Publication

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